Mixed Reality

Mixed reality is the next wave in computing followed by mainframes, PCs, and smartphones. Mixed reality is going mainstream for consumers and businesses. It liberates us from screen-bound experiences by offering instinctual interactions with data in our living spaces and with our friends. It is a blend of physical and digital worlds, unlocking natural and intuitive 3D human, computer, and environmental interactions.

Among other technologies, we offer mixed reality to our clients which could create a new immersive and complete experience to its user. MR allows the business to have great flexibility in utilizing the “try before you buy” concept. With mixed reality, product marketing becomes easy as consumers can try something before paying for it from their pockets. This gives consumers the surety that they are taking along the best product or service, eventually increasing their product experience and level of satisfaction associated with using the same.

MR is capable of transporting people anywhere whether real or imaginary. This shifts the marketing from telling the story of a product to letting consumers or investors experience the product themselves in form of sensors like touch and feel. Thus, enabling them to have a more immersive and personalized experience.

It also helps people to make real-time collaborations and inevitable wastage of time is cut down. It enables teams to foster a sense of community that was previously reserved for a traditional office setting

Mixed Reality